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Spring Cleaning and Why You Should Start Now!


YAY! The dark, dreary days of winter are within sight! I can almost smell that fresh, Spring air! Which means that my home is ready for a deep clean and a major décor cleanse.

Cleaning everything out and removing the dank smell of dust is refreshing. Taking down all that winter décor, its almost as if a new life is upon us and ready to recharge our home’s energy. Ok, maybe that’s a bit deep, but it does feel really good to give everything a good once over and add a new change of color and texture.

If you’re thinking of moving, now is the best time to start working on your home, room by room, to give it a refresh and make it shine by the time you’re ready to list it. That way, you’ll be all set before your weekends start filling up with outdoor activities. Best of all, you’ll put yourself in a great position to get a jump on the Spring real estate market. Which, by the way, is always HOT!!

Simply start in one room of your home and go floor to ceiling. You can get an extendable duster to sweep those ceilings and corners. Take down your drapery and give it

a good wash. It’s amazing how much dust and dander those things contain! Take a vacuum to those lamp shades and pull the furniture out from the wall to edge the dusty baseboards.

As for the décor, once you’re done with cleaning, you can freshen up the space by adding new throw pillows (hint: you can get pillow covers via Amazon instead of storing & buying new pillows) and create a whole new aesthetic for your room. Add in a few trendy knickknacks, a colorful throw and just like that, you have a crisp new space that’s ready for living!

Keep in mind as you’re purging and cleansing, if you feel your décor doesn’t resonate with you anymore, get rid of it! Donate it, sell it, whatever it takes to get that excess storage out of your house, just do it! Without all that clutter lying around, you’ll feel better and your home will thank you once it comes time to selling as well.

If you're ready to refresh your home, but need some professional help, shoot me an email. I want you to love your home again or get it ready for someone else to love it like you did!


Beth Linden-Johnson

Owner/Professional Home Stager

Move It Cleaning & Staging



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