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How Home Staging Can Help You

My love for Staging started long before I had any idea what it was. Ten-year-old me loved moving my parents living room around or changing up my bedroom with different layouts. Teenage me started drawing home floor plans and seeing how I could make the best use of space within those layouts. It wasn’t until I was much older that I had the opportunity to put my creative talents to use and make those ideas come alive. I pursued a bachelor’s degree in Interior Design. Through that avenue is where I found home staging and realized that my love of space planning would be much better put to use, in that industry.

I truly believe we all have a special talent. Mine happens to be figuring out how I can best display furniture, décor and accessories into such a way that makes a space feel like home. Home is such a broad term, too. However, my definition of it is this… a place one can feel comfortable, be themselves, feel secure and enjoy their time in.

So, what does all this mean for YOU? Not everyone is able to envision how a room should look.

Maybe you know what you like or have a piece of furniture or a décor item you love, however you just aren’t quite sure how to fully enjoy it. That’s where I come in. Working together, we can develop a plan that best suits your lifestyle. From choosing a paint color to rearranging the furniture; small changes can make a big difference between “just a house” and a “home”.

Perhaps you’re at a point in life where you need to sell your home, but don’t have the slightest clue where to start. You and I will go room to room and create a plan that will keep you motivated and on track while designing a space that will appeal to the greatest amount of Buyers. That is, after all, the ultimate goal when selling a home. Create a space the Buyer can see themselves in and making it theirs. Which makes your home more viable to less days on the market and, perhaps, even selling for more money and getting you moving onto your next chapter.

As you can see, Home Staging wears many different hats. But the end result is always the same; create a vision one can see themselves in, raising their family and just living their best life in comfort and security. So, lets get started!

Beth Linden-Johnson

Move It Cleaning & Staging

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